The Good Dog

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The Magic Formula

Hey all, I want to talk about a simple concept/formula I share with my clients who are working on fixing their dog's behavior problems. Now, it's not complicated, and it certainly isn't rocket science, but when you truly wrap your head around it, and master this simple formula, you will dramatically improve your ability to affect and change unwanted behavior in your dog.Ok, you ready?Here she is: Address the smallest infraction, the split second it begins.Too simple, too easy, right?Nope.Mastering this simple concept, by becoming adept at seeing the FIRST sign of a behavioral shift, and getting your timing/reaction so solid, and so quick that you are on top of it at this first sign, is a skill that all great dog trainers have in their tool box (and what usually allows them to create the appearance of magical abilities - Cesar is someone who is a master of this). You can have it as well - but it takes dedication and consistent work.The beauty of this simple formula is, if you consistently catch the problem at it's smallest or its least intensity, and you're able to prevent its escalation, you will likely never see the problem in its full bloom.And that my friends, is indeed a good thing!Feel free to share your thoughts below!