Three Things Your Reactive Dog Wants To Know Before He Stops Reacting

20140115-124726.jpgBy Sean O'Shea from the The Good Dog Training and RehabilitationThe three things you're reactive dog wants to know before he/she stops reacting...1) Can you believably control yourself? (In times of stress and pressure are you calm, relaxed, confident, in control? Or are you unsure, nervous, tentative, angry, and stressed?)2) Can you believably control him or her? (Are you able to keep your dog relaxed, calm, and tuned-in to you even in situations that would cause stress, anxiety, or explosions?)3) Can you believably control the environment? (Are you able to create a safe zone around you and your dog that no other dog or person can violate?)When you're able to effectively master all three of these challenges, your dog will finally be able to relax knowing you're qualified to keep them safe. Once they truly believe that you've "got it" they will finally be able to give up the job of attempting to do it themselves.Without these three in place, the stress and anxiety that comes from not trusting you, themselves, or the world, will continue the cycle of reactivity.How are you doing with the Big Three??____CONNECT WITH US ON FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube for more training insights, tips, a free weekly Q&A, and community interaction!Our groundbreaking do-it-yourself training video/PDF training booklet Learn to Train The Good Dog Way: The Foundation is now available for pre-order at a discounted price - click on the picture below to watch the new TEASER video, and click HERE to order your copy!

